Hi Everyone, We are looking at using Cetrom for hosting. Is anyone currently using them? How has your experience been so far? Feel free to message me directly. Thanks! ------------------------------ Merinda Bratton mbratton@gccpas.net Grimbleby ...
Hi, We are seriously looking at this and will implement as well. Interested in knowing how firms are doing with a Best Practice on this process. ------------------------------ Teresa Barrett Director Barrett & Company, PLLC Camas WA (503) 210-5100 ...
Following this because we JUST implemented it and I am interested in the responses you get! ------------------------------ Katie Arabis CB Smith & Associates Alpharetta GA 470-275-0084 ------------------------------
CPAFMA is saddened to announce the passing of one of ...
CPA Firm Management Association, leading the management ...
The CPA Firm Management Association recently concluded ...
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